Providing You with Eye Health at Home.
Medical Disclaimer:The information contained on the Foundation Fighting Blindness web site and other online properties including Eye on the Cure is provided for your general information only.
The Foundation does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. Physicians differ in their approach to incorporating research results into their clinical practice. You should always consult with and be guided by your Physician’s advice when considering treatment based on research results.
Revitol Eye Cream claims that it can fix what plastic surgery
can’t – under eye puffiness and dark circles under your eyes,
as well as help diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles
around your eyes.
The company was established back in 2002 and is a member
of the Natural Products Association.
This product was designed to help improve the appearance
of dark under eye circles and puffiness. These are caused
by the breakdown of capillaries close to the surface of your skin.
This is more of a problem for some people than for others, simply
because the thinner your skin, and the more fair-colored you are,
the more noticeable these things become over time.
The makers state that the cream works by using natural
ingredients and a combination of moisturizing emollients
to minimize wrinkles, lessen under eye puffiness and
lighten under eye circles.